Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time to catch up!

So it's been a really long time since my last post. My appologies to those of you who have been checking for updates.
Now where do I start??
I always look forward to winter because it's not so busy, this year that is not happening. Christmas was nicely spred out with gatherings. The boys enjoyed the wrapping paper and boxes of course. Kyra was excited about all of her gifts and kris and I were very thankful for our gifts and that christmas went so well.
Kyra is taking ballet (creative movement) and gymnastics, I look forward to her coming home and inviting me to come watch "her show". She also started pre-school this september. That is the highlight of her week. She turned 5 in January. That has been a little hard for me. It's so hard for me to think she not my little baby girl anymore. Come september when she steps on that bus, ya, really hard to think about. Hope lots of people are gonna be praying for me that day! She is such a great helper and plays so well with the boys, we'll miss her during the day! It was so cute when i told her that i didn't want her to go to school, she asked me why and i told her because i was gonna miss her. She came and put her arm around me and told me it would be ok, and that she would come right home after school and we'd play together untill she had to go to bed. Oh I just love her so much!!
The boys turned 1 in November. That was a huge milestone for me. I made it through the first year! It should be easier now, at least that's what I was thinking...... My oh my was I mistaken! They are into EVERYTHING! They really have to check everything out and pick it all apart untill they've seen every side of it and tasted every piece of it! I no longer have plants in my house, i eventually got tired of cleaning up dirt. There are locks on all my cupboards, the bathroom doors stay closed at all times, and there are no special little decorations in my house. I have decided that if you want to come visit me, come on over, it you are coming to see my house, come in 5 years! I can't stress about having a clean house, my kids are only young for a short time (I realized that when they turned 1 and kyra turned 5) and I have decided that my time and energy will be spent with them.
Kris has been busy hauling different commodities all winter. We also finally had the opportunity to buy our house and start our own farm. What a blessing! We are really excited to put our first crop in this spring!
Anyway, that's just a small glimps into what our winter has been. One highlight we are waiting for is our vacation to mexico! Just kris and I. Just a few more sleeps!
Hope you are all having a great winter and are staying warm!!


Amanda said...

You do such a great job as a mom. I'm a little, okay a lot, jealous of you in Mexico right now. Hope you are having a blast!

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