Wednesday, April 25, 2007

so many of my friends have these blogspots and i really enjoy reading them. it's a good way to keep in touch with those who live far away, so i've decided to try it for myself. not promising with 3 is really busy some days. summer has come really quickly and kris is now really busy on the farm so it's time to suck it up and single parent for the summer......wish me luck!!! Anyway, i decided to go back to november when the boys were born for all those who missed that stage. we found out we were having twins at around 22 weeks, we found out what we were having at about 28 weeks and kept it a seceret. to be honest i was really excited to find out we were having a boy ( you know, to continue the farm and all) but i was a little sad for a few days after because i was never going to have another litttle princess to do girlie things with. my pregnancy went really well and i made it all the way to 38 weeks and 2 days. then it was time to induce and get those boys out!!! labour was really really intense and scarry being that it was only 2 hours from when i walked in to get my water broken till they were both here. was a surprise to all and my 4 doctors nearly missed the delivery. needless to say they were both born healthy. Braison Ty was born first weighing in at 6lbs 2oz and Darion Jayce was born 8 minutes later at 7lbs 6oz. I still can't beleive i had so much baby in me. we only had to stay in the hospital for 2 nights and then i got to go home, i really really missed kyra. it was really nice to be home and the boys were awsome. they just slept and ate and we waited for someone to cry but it was 3 days befor braison found out he had vocals. now we wonder what we were waiting for. boys can be noisy! so i'll attatch a few pics of the begining and try to catch up to today.
Baby Braison and Darion.....welcome to the world

BraisonDarionBig sister kyra and darion
Just home (darion)Braisoncuddle time

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