Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sooooo far behind!

I know lots of you keep looking in on my blog and it's just not ever updated. Very sorry. Just like most of you my summer has been really busy and having twins doesn't make it any less.
Just a quick overview of our summer.....In july we went camping in Kenora for a week with James and Andrea and Mike and Tina and all of our kids. We had a BLAST!!! We are already talking about going back next year. We did lots of boating and water sports, Kris and I both learned how to wakeboeard and Kyra went tubing a few times. We tried fishing but caught nothing. One of the days the boys went golfing and a different day us girls went into town shopping. We ate and ate and ate! The boys were really well behaved and slept well. They loved the beach but just wanted to eat the sand all the time. Can't wait for next year!
The first two weeks of July Kyra had swimming lessons. She is such a little fish. She passed her seaturtle level and even completed half of the next level. (sunfish) She had fun jumping off the diving board and going down the big slide.
At the end of July Kris started harvest. The winter wheat came off fast and did well.
We enjoyed some of the sunflower festival. Kyra took in some of the rides but we didn't stay too long because of the hot hot weather.
Last weekend we were at the harvest festival in Winkler. Kris and I played ball all day saturday. We had 4 games in one day!! In the eveing I took Kyra back to enjoy the midway. Kris stayed home and put the boys to bed. Kyra and I only got home at midnight! Sunday was too early and I was very sore! It's been a while since i've used muscles other than my arms to carry my boys.
Sunday was also our churches 5 year anniversery and we had a picnic in the park. Kyra had her face painted like a rabbit and went slip and sliding. She had fun.
And I......well I got to enjoy a somewhat quiet evening with my mom. We went to the Josh Groban concert in winnipeg and enjoyed a great supper at pasta la vista. It was a GREAT concert and I had a good time with my mom. It's been a while.
So haveing said all that (i'm sure i've forgotten to add some of our summer adventures) i'll leave you with some pics........