Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kyra and Olivia

Kyra loves to go to winnipeg to visit her cousin olivia and auntie des and uncle arik. the girls are having popsicles for a snack and watching elmo. they have lots of fun together and the older they get the better they get along.


I love this little dress up outfit. Kyra got this as a birthday present from auntie wanda and uncle larry and chantelle, tyson and donovan. she loves to dress up and is such a princess.


Braison loves to sit in this chair, it's kyra's princess chair but i cover it with a blanket to keep kris from giving me "the look". (how do i flip thses pics???)

Darion is a really good sleeper! He sleeps anywhere. The only thing is he doesn't like to be held or rocked to sleep, just put me down. Braison on the other hand is completely different, he likes to be rocked and at the same time he fights his sleep. Good thing there is only one like that. (sorry, i can't figure out how to flip this picture)

Monday, May 21, 2007


Kyra's very first make-up attempt, I guess she was board and got into my make-up, mascara and all...growing up way too fast, or she just has lots of her grandma's gene's????

Moose Lake

We went to kyle and melissa's cabin at
moose lake for a weekend in febuary (i think)
it was the coldest days of the winter
but we attempted
to ice fish...caught nothing. good
thing we had a nice warm
hot tub to relax in. Every morning
the deer got fed and we watched
them while we ate breakfast
The boys were good, all of them. haha Kyle and Melissa and Jason and Robin were great helps with the boys and kyra. We ate so much good food and played cards and went to bed early.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kyra's birthday....

My sweet little angel turned 4 on January 29th.
I can't believe 4 years ago she was a tiny litte
baby that i could hold in my arms. She's becoming a
little "I can do it myself" princess. She makes me smile
all day! Soon she'll go to school and i'll wonder were all
the time went......

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy mothers day!

Happy mothers day to all the mothers out there, expecially to mine, the greatest mom in the world! a little to busy though! mom, it's time to relax and enjoy life!
Just a few....
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.

A mans got to do what a man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't.

A mother is the full circle. within her is the power to create, nurture and transform

Kyra's a great helper!

I caught her reading this one day, I love this picture, it's sooo funny.

Kyra has been such a great help! Better than i ever imagined! she loves to hold the boys, and try to make them smile or laugh, and she likes to read them her ballarina books. she will help me with diapers and bath time and she will get me anything i ask! her favorite thing to do is pick out what they will wear for the day and if i disagree then sometimes we have a fight, i just tell myself that it's really not a big deal if they look a little silly sonmetimes, besides that though she's the best helper i could have ever asked for!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

january wedding

Next came Janurary. Another wedding, actually a wedding reception....My cousin Levi and Allison got married in mexico over new years. would have loved to be there but with the boys so young it just wasn't going to happen. the reception was great. all decorated in a mexican beach theme. kyra had a blast dancing and the family aslo got to enjoy the boys. the boys were well behaved with the exception of darions big poop!! he decided to change half way through the night. and i thought that was a girl thing......

Monday, May 7, 2007

then came christmas

One of the cute little outfits the boys wore (darion)
Darion and Braison's presents from uncle shannonKyra bought the boys some cool tractor shirts for christmas

my very cool john deere picture for kris

kyra at her christmas program (she is in the big pink dress in the midddle)

so then came christmas and we were busy like always. kyra was very cute at her very first christmas program. she picked us out of the crowd and waved and said hello. we all laughed. we had lots of gatherings which i enjoyed because everyone wanted to hold the boys so i got a few really nice breaks with free hands. my kids were all really well behaved even with all the overwhelming presents and all the attention. thats' all for now