Sunday, June 15, 2008

Time to update...

So once again i'm sure you've all been waiting for updates or even just quit checking for one. I won't be posting any pics this time around (again, i know) but they are all on out house computer which seems to be extreamly slow and i just don't have the patients to wait for the pics to upload so i'm useing kris' laptop and there are no pics on it. (unless you want to see tractors)
Anyway, lots has been going on here! We've been trying to make the best of the somewhat cold and rainy weather we've been having. The kids love it outside so much we just put rain cloths and lots of sweaters on and they make the best of it. We've had a few mishaps with the mud puddles and i do have pics i'll try and post sometime.
As you know, most boys are attracted to tractors and anything that brummms. I was really struggling trying to keep them close to the house and not by the shed. For those of you who don't know, we have a yard that has a 13000 acre farm running off of it so you can imagine how many tractors and pple we have on the yard. Every little farmer boys dream! A mothers worst nightmare!
I've always had a bad attitude towards having a fence on my yard. My attitude was "if i wanted to have a small fenced in back yard i'd live in the city or in a town somewhere! And i am not about to cage my kids in like animals!" That attitude slowly changed once seeding came along. My thoughts changed from not wanting a small back yard to my kids safty and my own sanity. So i'm sure you've all guessed, we fenced in our backyard, all 400ft of fence is put up and keeping my kids safe! I actually kind of like it.
We also added an awsome play stucture for the kids to enjoy back there and I have a whole summer worth of landscaping and decking plans that are still in the works.
We also bought a camper last week and took it out for our first camping trip of the year. The kids all had a great time! Kyra made new friends like she always does and the boys loved being outside all day! They slept great, except for the first morning when they woke up at 6am! My kids sleep till at leat 9am so this was a big shock for me and messed up the rutine a bit but by the next morning they slept till 8 which is a lot closer to normal for them. Kyra really wanted to go to the beach swimming all weekend so we had to try and tell her that it was way to cold! we did play at the beach in th sand though and she went in the water till her ankles and decided it would be to cold to swim in. My parents joined us on saturday for the day. I sent the greatest dads in the world out for a round of golf in the afternoon and my mom helped me with the kids while i mad my famous ribs for supper. Grandpa helped kyra make a fire before they left for home and the boys had fun playing soccer and baseball with him. Grandma took them for a walk and they saw lots of motorcycles and remote racecars along the way. We all had a great time and can't wait for the next camping trip!
The kids have been busy playing outside, kris has been busy on the farm which has started off great! I keep busy with the yard work and the normal house hold duties. I've recently started to really enjoy golfing so i try and make time to get a round in once and a while.
Thats the basics of our so called summer so far, i'll try and get some pics posted on here and will be back to update, well um........sometime?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bloody noses

So today has been crazy! I woke up this morning feeling a bit tired, probably because kris and i stayed up late and watched a movie, it was nice. But anyway, for some reason the boys seem to be grumpy on the same days, today is one of those days. I tried to be lazy on the couch and watch cartoons with them but they would just keep on fighting for my lap! I don't understand why they can't both sit together with me, they are very possesive over my lap! Darion was upset that i picked braison up to join our cuddle session and burried his face into the floor and cried, this was nosebleed #1.
Later, i picked up darion to join braison and i on the couch and of couse braison got off and had a fit, ran away and triped over kris's big sorrel boots, nose bleed #2.
Tired with trying to satisfy everyone, i decided to take the kids outside. (you have no idea how badly i'm waiting for sprin/summer!) They all seemed to enjoy this idea, so i had kyra "babysit" them while i went in to make lunch. I checked in on them ever few minutes, they rode scooters, biked and fourwheelers, had a great time as did i in my quiet house! These quiet moments never seem to last long enough though, someone started to cry and kyra came running in saying "it's an emergency mom, come quick" That didn't sound good! So i went to check it out and the boys were both lying face down on a small ice puddle, with, blood nose #3 and #4. They must have slipped and fell on top of eachother. They were both fine and i took them all in to eat lunch. Now they are napping and grandma came to pick kyra up to go shopping in wpg. Lucky her! I'm relaxing and i've decided to do nothing while the boys nap, today has just been one of those days.
I hope this nap is all they need for a happier day! Love them to peices, even on days like this!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time to catch up!

So it's been a really long time since my last post. My appologies to those of you who have been checking for updates.
Now where do I start??
I always look forward to winter because it's not so busy, this year that is not happening. Christmas was nicely spred out with gatherings. The boys enjoyed the wrapping paper and boxes of course. Kyra was excited about all of her gifts and kris and I were very thankful for our gifts and that christmas went so well.
Kyra is taking ballet (creative movement) and gymnastics, I look forward to her coming home and inviting me to come watch "her show". She also started pre-school this september. That is the highlight of her week. She turned 5 in January. That has been a little hard for me. It's so hard for me to think she not my little baby girl anymore. Come september when she steps on that bus, ya, really hard to think about. Hope lots of people are gonna be praying for me that day! She is such a great helper and plays so well with the boys, we'll miss her during the day! It was so cute when i told her that i didn't want her to go to school, she asked me why and i told her because i was gonna miss her. She came and put her arm around me and told me it would be ok, and that she would come right home after school and we'd play together untill she had to go to bed. Oh I just love her so much!!
The boys turned 1 in November. That was a huge milestone for me. I made it through the first year! It should be easier now, at least that's what I was thinking...... My oh my was I mistaken! They are into EVERYTHING! They really have to check everything out and pick it all apart untill they've seen every side of it and tasted every piece of it! I no longer have plants in my house, i eventually got tired of cleaning up dirt. There are locks on all my cupboards, the bathroom doors stay closed at all times, and there are no special little decorations in my house. I have decided that if you want to come visit me, come on over, it you are coming to see my house, come in 5 years! I can't stress about having a clean house, my kids are only young for a short time (I realized that when they turned 1 and kyra turned 5) and I have decided that my time and energy will be spent with them.
Kris has been busy hauling different commodities all winter. We also finally had the opportunity to buy our house and start our own farm. What a blessing! We are really excited to put our first crop in this spring!
Anyway, that's just a small glimps into what our winter has been. One highlight we are waiting for is our vacation to mexico! Just kris and I. Just a few more sleeps!
Hope you are all having a great winter and are staying warm!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What we've been eating!

Mmmmmm! So mommy gave us some ribs to eat! Yeah, our first real food! We really like corn on the cobb too! Darion helped mommy dig potatoes out of the garden and thought he'd try and eat some dirt.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sooooo far behind!

I know lots of you keep looking in on my blog and it's just not ever updated. Very sorry. Just like most of you my summer has been really busy and having twins doesn't make it any less.
Just a quick overview of our summer.....In july we went camping in Kenora for a week with James and Andrea and Mike and Tina and all of our kids. We had a BLAST!!! We are already talking about going back next year. We did lots of boating and water sports, Kris and I both learned how to wakeboeard and Kyra went tubing a few times. We tried fishing but caught nothing. One of the days the boys went golfing and a different day us girls went into town shopping. We ate and ate and ate! The boys were really well behaved and slept well. They loved the beach but just wanted to eat the sand all the time. Can't wait for next year!
The first two weeks of July Kyra had swimming lessons. She is such a little fish. She passed her seaturtle level and even completed half of the next level. (sunfish) She had fun jumping off the diving board and going down the big slide.
At the end of July Kris started harvest. The winter wheat came off fast and did well.
We enjoyed some of the sunflower festival. Kyra took in some of the rides but we didn't stay too long because of the hot hot weather.
Last weekend we were at the harvest festival in Winkler. Kris and I played ball all day saturday. We had 4 games in one day!! In the eveing I took Kyra back to enjoy the midway. Kris stayed home and put the boys to bed. Kyra and I only got home at midnight! Sunday was too early and I was very sore! It's been a while since i've used muscles other than my arms to carry my boys.
Sunday was also our churches 5 year anniversery and we had a picnic in the park. Kyra had her face painted like a rabbit and went slip and sliding. She had fun.
And I......well I got to enjoy a somewhat quiet evening with my mom. We went to the Josh Groban concert in winnipeg and enjoyed a great supper at pasta la vista. It was a GREAT concert and I had a good time with my mom. It's been a while.
So haveing said all that (i'm sure i've forgotten to add some of our summer adventures) i'll leave you with some pics........

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

dirty laundry

So i am almost always behind in laundry, but the boys like to help me which makes things a bit easier, well they like to sit on the dryer anyway.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sleepy heads

Just a few pics of the boys napping in my bed. Thankfully that doesn't happen on a regular basis....i just like to spoil them sometimes.